
Translating Europe Forum 2017 - register now!


Come preannunciato qualche mese fa, il Translating Europe Forum 2017 si terrà a Bruxelles il 6 e 7 novembre 2017.

Le iscrizioni sono aperte e, dato il grande afflusso di pubblico delle precedenti edizioni, invito chi di voi volesse partecipare ad iscriversi subito al seguente link Registration

Di seguito alcune informazioni.


New skills, new markets, new profiles                     

The Translation Department of the European Commission is organising the 4th edition of the #TranslatingEurope Forum, focusing this year on translators' skills and employability.  

·      What skills do young and established translators need to master in order to thrive in the business?

·      Are there sets of "new skills" corresponding to changing/emerging market needs?

·      What are the new profiles needed in the language industry?

·      What are the specific skills required to master translation tools and technologies?

Join us for 2 days of lively discussions with experts from the private sector, academia, public services, educators as well as young and experienced professionals.

Confirmed keynote speakers: Peter FLADE (Senior Advisor, GALLUP) and Jaap VAN DER MEER (TAUS).


Visit the Forum page to consult the preliminary programme and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for further updates!


The Forum will take place in Brussels on the 6 and 7 November 2017. No on-site registration will be accepted. All sessions will be web-streamed.


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